Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gaze in wonder at the face of Mars

Mars - A Latest Update
The Straits Times
Gaze in wonder at The Face of Mars

LONDON - THE European Space Agency (ESA) has photographed The Face - the main feature on the surface of Mars. The mountain, which resembles a human head with eyes, mouth and nostrils, was first photographed by the US Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976. It stirred up talk of conspiracy theories, as people claimed that the mountain was evidence of an ancient Martian civilisation. The new images were taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board ESA's Mars Express this July, the BBC News reported.Scientists have long experienced difficulties in capturing a decent shot of the area in the mid-northern latitudes referred to as Cydonia. The Mars Express was either at too high an altitude when passing by or its view was affected by dust and haze in the atmosphere.The agency processed the shots and produced perspective images which give the viewer the impression they are flying over the surface of The Face. "These images of Cydonia on Mars are truly spectacular," said Dr Agustin Chicarro, project scientist for the ESA mission. "They not only provide a completely fresh and detailed view of an area famous to fans of space myths worldwide, but also provide an impressive close-up over an area of great interest for planetary geologists."


In your opinion, do you think that there is life on Mars?
Do you believe in aliens? Why? (Aim to write at least 50 words)


wendy li said...

I do not think that aliens is real beacause I did saw one befor

Emily lim said...

i belive there's life in mars but i do not in aliens....
i do not belive in aliens... because i never see before aliens and i am afride of ALIENS....

i am afride that i dream of that......!!!!

seow hui en said...

I do believe,because I it will be spectacular to see one alien.

Inx said...

I do not belive because there is no
such thing as alien so.I do not
belive.Although I belive but I do not belive.

mei sin said...

my opinion is, i think there is life on mars beacause i see it very clearly and it look like life mars

ERVIN said...

I think there will be alien and many other think that we do not know and we cannot see I think there will be life in mars

alicia chan said...

i do not belive that there was no mars like a fcae....but why thare was peaple mars of fcae.......... this photo like on the moon....

michelle law said...

i think that there is no life in mars because that is only a planet and i belive that there is no ghost.i really do belive in aliens because i saw it in youtube.i knew that is a real alien because i saw its colour is green in .

leejoey said...

i think there is no live in mars because i dont belive in aliens i only have saw cartoon alien in the television i am very scared in aliens because aliens eyes is very big and aliens skin is green.yucks!and it is very scared if you see a alien you will felt goosebumns all over your body.

Lii Wen said...


huang jing wen said...

I think yes , because they found the human head,eyes and mouth at the mountain.

Mendel said...

Dear Mr Abel Kok

I think there is a life in Mars,I do believe in aliens bacause,I saw it in decavery channle in TV.I saw it in real live!!!A poeple tape it!!!Get it!!!Tape it!!!Ok?

From Mendel

Ryan Er said...

I do not think that there are life on planet Mars,because we can't breath in space.And I believe in alien because many shows I watch have aliens.

wenye said...

??????!!!!Dear mrable kok where did you find all this news from. It is very interesting gets intern you are in sit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ang Ing Zi said...

I belive aliens in Mars because, the surface of Mars might be the alien's bed.
I think mars don't have life because Mars don't have air but,it have red dust instead

neo li hui said...

I do not believe in alien and I also do not believe that there is life in mars because I never go to mars before.

gin yen said...

I don`t think that the Mars got aliens because it is a fake story about aliens.I think got some strange plants on Mars because I have read my English textbook.I don`t know much about Mars.Hey,Mr Abel Kok,do you know Venus?I have read my textbook.It says that Venus has poisonous air on the surface.Then do you think that`s real?And also Venus is the closest planet to panet Earth.Do you think that`s true???????

stanley said...

FIRST there are no live on mars
Second listen to me THERE!!! are no such thing as aliens IF you whant me to belive GO tape it camera action !!!!

chu feng said...

because there no
such ting as alian

Lee Yao said...
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tingfng said...


I don't believe because i think they are talking nonsense. I because i never seen before but I saw that photo i was shock by the photo.

Lot Of Love From,
Ting Fang

gin yen said...

You are right,Stanley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!