JAMESTOWN, N.D. - Earlier this summer, Betty Kratzke noticed that something was disturbing the ground near the flowers that line her driveway. Solving the mystery this week proved to be a snap — when baby snapping turtles started crawling around her yard.
"They just keep popping up out of the hole," said Cliff Hanson, Kratzke's brother-in-law.
The turtles had recently hatched and were no bigger than a half dollar coin, said Darrell Perry, another brother-in-law.
Family members scooped up 44 turtles in all. They were put in a cardboard box and taken to the nearby James River.
"They went swimming away like crazy," Kratzke said.
Snapping turtles live to be decades old and can grow up to 40 pounds, said Gene Van Eeckhout, a biologist with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. They do not make nice pets, he said.
"They're not very friendly to play with," Van Eeckhout said.
Kratzke said she thought some sort of animal was disturbing her flowers. "But it was a long ways from being a muskrat or a raccoon," she said. "They are the cutest little things."
Perry said the experience was one to remember.
"While they were coming out, we just stood there and watched them in amazement," he said.
Do you think that it is right for someone to keep wild animals like tiger cubs or baby bears as pets? Why?
(Aim to write at least 40 words)
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what is snappy turtel???????????? yucks!!!!!!
I think that it right to keep wild pet because if you let them go on their own they will be hurt by onther big animal
i think is no because it is very dangerous and it may bite you .......i m scared!!!
wow never seen so small one
People will never keep any wild animals because,when the baby wild animal grow up, it will eat up the owner.But if the owner keeps it in a cage,it's okay.
i think it is not right for someone to keep wild animals because it will hurt and you might die
i think that snapping turles is the dangerous turtles in all turtles... but how scooped up 44turtles in all. i think that is true.....
happy alicia
Daer Mr Abel Kok
I think is all right to keep wild animals just one.I think the turtle is a bit to wild,the turtle is thinking that we are going to eat him/her finger angerly.But why did it about that?
From Mendel
yes,beacause it is animals are precious.
no but i dont know what is tiger cubs or baby bears i never saw before and what is snappy turtels i also never saw before too?????????????
i think can but must careful do not
give them food to eat.
no becuase it is poiserners
I think that it is dangerous to keep wild animals home because some times the animals will eat you up or injured you and also some time it have poisonous and if you got bite you will die or it will eat you up.
i think snapping turtle is not right beacause they where not friendly,and it good to keep a turtle,and to feed him and play with turtle and two day the housekeeper will find him in one day
i thing snappy turtels are dangerous because it will eat your finger
I think it is not fair to the turtles because turtles suppose to stay underwater,not land!They will die if they stay on land too long.And also, they will miss their freedom.Like us,they love to be free.If you keep them in a cage,that means you also keep yourself in a cage.But they are sooooo cute when they are baby that you wanted to keep them.But no,remember,they will miss their FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think it not right to keep wild animals if you keep wild animals it maybe can eat meat so it is not right to keep wild animals
i love the turtle give me~arh....
It is wrong to keep wlid animals at home because some wlid animals is dangerous
turtle wont eat people.
I don't think its right to keep wild animals because when it grow up it might eat you up
I feel that it is not right to keep wild animals as pets. All of us would be living in fear if we are allowed to keep wild animals at home. If my neighbour's pet tiger roam into my house, it will probably eat me up while i am sleeping.
the animal are ceat
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