Monday, May 31, 2010

Temperature taking exercise when school reopens

Dear all,

Just a gentle reminder that there will be a temperature-taking exercise when school reopens. Please ensure that you bring an Oral Digital Thermometer to school on Monday for the 1st week starting 28 June 2010. In fact, I would strongly encourage that the thermometer is kept in your bag so that we are always ready in the event that we need to take temperature. Thank you.

Mr Kok


lee joey said...


Tan Shi Ling said...

i will surely bring my thermometer

thank for the gentle reminder Mr abel kok:)

lee joey said...

dear mr abel kok,

but my thermomether lost i cant find it how?

Mr Kok said...

Dear Joey,

I would advise you to either buy one by yourself or get one at the General Office. I think it will cost you a few dollars. Try to take care of it and not to lose it again.

Mr Kok