Friday, May 21, 2010

Reminders for forms.


Bring the forms -

  1. Meet the parents
  2. Travel declaration forms

Nil returns must be signed too and returned on Monday.

Thank you,
Mr Kok


lee joey said...

dear mr abel kok,

but u haven give mi the forms because i friday dont have come, i sick.

Mr Kok said...

Dear Joey,

I know that so not to worry, I will give the forms to you on Monday. I hope you will safe-keep your superstars slips next time.

Best wishes,
Mr Kok

lee joey said...

dear mr abel kok,

my mother say the parent"s meeting day wants to meet at 11.30a.m to 12.p.m.

best wishes,


Mr Kok said...

Dear Joey,

Please indicate the preferred timing on the form which I will give you later in class. Should not be a problem. Please inform your mother.

Thank you so much,
Mr Kok

sheilaho said...
