Mr Feliciano lost part of his left leg when he was six, but he still played high school sports and takes part in Paralympic games.
Do you think Mr Feliciano should be allowed to be a fire fighter? Why?
What do you think? Yes or No?
An amputee who lost half of one leg as a child is fighting to realise his dream of becoming a firefighter.Mr Isaac Feliciano's fight hit a road bump when city officials in Paterson, New Jersey, declared him to be not 'physically capable'. He finished 103rd among more than 600 candidates in a recent arduous physical test for the job, which included pulling a hose and carrying a life-size dummy while wearing a weighted vest.However, a medical consultant later ruled that he was 'not physically capable of sustaining the labours and exposure' of firefighting work.Mr Feliciano, 33, works at Cingular Wireless, training other sales representatives. He says his titanium-carbon fibre prosthetic leg is more resistant to heat and flame.He has dreamed of taking on the job since he was three, when a firefighter pulled him from a closet during a fire.
But when he was six, gangrene from spinal meningitis claimed his left leg below the knee.Despite his disability, he played high school football and baseball and participates in Paralympic competitions. Three doctors will make a recommendation to the state authorities in his case.
Do you think Mr Feliciano should be allowed to be a fire fighter? Why?
What do you think? Yes or No?
I think Mr Feliciano should not be the fire fighter because it is a dangerous job.The moment when he is putting out fire,maybe the fire would get him and let him die or let him become zaoda.The best idea is to be a doctor.Everybody like doctor because they help people from getting sick.Even murderer will please you to cure his illness.Then,he will find a way to thank you.Exsample,like protect you from another worst murderer.Some people will give you present for free.So I think Mr feliciano should be a doctor.Be the doctor is the best!
i think yes i think no i think i don't know... but i wish is yes lar cause i wish all the people in the people in the world have a job including my family i wish he is in his favorite job
I think Mr Felicion cannot be a firefighter because his left leg is broken.
I think Mr Feliciano cannot be a fire fighter because his leg cannot walk
because he got A metal leg
if mr lsaac feliciano. but how he finished 103rd among more than 600 candidates.
yes, i think Mr Fliciano can be a fighting because I have Confidence with Mr Feliciano
yes because he can run very fast and he have passion
I think MR FELICIANO should be a fire fighter.MR FELICIANO should be a FIRE FIGHTER because he HAS passion
no.beacause it leg is broken .
Yes,I think Mr Feliciano can to be a fire fighter.I wish it can be true.
yes because he has passion
because his leg was a mettal
yes,bevcause an amputee who lost half of one leg as a child is fighting to realise his dream of becoming a firefighter.
yes becase his leg was a mettal
I thing that he can be a fireman because his left leg is broken he still never give up I thing he should be a fireman
yes because your leg can not be a firefighter
heno! he shoud not be a firefighter because his leg was bad. I thick shoud go home and rest
I think its wrong to be a fire fighter because later the cabon doxoside from the fire will kill him.
i wish is yes, because he have a metal leg.
i think mr feliciano cannot be fire fighter.beacause mr feliciano leg has lost his left leg if mr feliciano be fire fighter his leg will be danger and what if got fire.and mr feliciano trap inside and nobody heip him.why reason
Mr.felician can't be a firefighter because,a firefighter needs to run a lot,he might fall down and get burned by the fire
Yes because I know I can fill that Mr Feliano will have passion to be firefighter! So I will let Mr Feliano to be firefighter.
No because his leg is broken
I thing he could be a firefighter, because he could run very fast to save people inside a burning buiding.
I think that Mr.Feliciano deserves to be a fire fighter because he works hard to fulfill his dream.
Yes, because he is good .
Mr. Feliciano can not be a firefighter. Becaue his leg are broke. No.
mr Feliciano no a firefighter.
because his left leg.
I don`t think Mr Feliciano cannot be a fire fighter because it is a dangerous job.Please do not be a fire fighter please,Mr Feliciano!
Now I not sure to choose.Some pupils choose yes and some pupils choose no.Now I am confused so I don`t know what to choose.
I relised be a fire fighter is wrong because it is dangerous job.The smoke from the fire is too poisonous to go into the building to rescue people.And it`s too heavy too carry the oxyen tank.So I think be a fire fighter is wrong.
I think that Mr Feliciano cannot be a fire fighter because he cannot run very fast so he need to wolfed down from the fire fighter car.
maybe cannot eeerrr...i don't think he could to be a firefighter because he may fall from the tall ladder when he is melting the fire. so i don't think he should be a firefighter.
Dear Ting Fang
I think you have used the phrase, 'Wolfed down' wrongly. It means to eat your food in a hurry. Would you please resubmit your comment again?
Mr Kok
Dear Ting Fang, Are you saying that you let Mr Feliciano eat the fire fighter car in a hurry?
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