Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Bookmark making contest
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Why does the moon follow us when we drive?

Why does the moon follow us when we drive?
The moon doesn’t look as it it’s very far away, but its distance from the earth averages 239, 000 miles. The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles, or less than the distance across the
Because the moon seems so close and big to us, we sometimes forget that 239, 000 miles is quite a distance away. It is this great distance that explains why the moon seems to follow us when we drive in a vehicle and look up at it.
To begin with, out feeling that this is happening is just that – only a feeling, a psychological reaction. When we speed along a road, we notice that everything moves past us. Trees, houses, fences, the road – all fly past us in the opposite direction.
Now there’s the moon, part of what we see as we look out, and we naturally expect it also to be flying past us, or at least to be moving backward as we speed ahead. When this doesn’t happen, we have the sensation that it is “following” us.
But why doesn’t it happen? Because the distance of the moon from the earth is quite great. Compared to the distance our vehicle travels in a few minutes, that distance is enormous. So as we move along, the angle at which we see the moon hardly changes.
In fact, we could go along a straight path for miles and the angle at which we would see the moon would still be basically the same. And as we notice everything else flying past, we get the feeling of the moon “following” us.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Cyberwellness (Complete the activities found here)
Remember what Cyberwellness is? There are lots of activities and I hope to see many of you leaving your comments under each activity. Enjoy and learn from them.
Click here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Interested in winning great prizes?
Do check out this competition, you can celebrate your friendship and at the same time, win fabulous prizes like Playstation 3.
Click here
Best wishes,
Mr Kok
Saturday, June 5, 2010
More on SVA
Subject-Verb Agreement
1. Click here to go to Brainpop to view a videoclip on subject-verb agreement.
2. Try Spaced Out Game to test your understanding of subject-verb agreement.
3. Try Super Spaced Out for even more challenging questions!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Something NEW for you to try.
Step 1: Register at the above link (Optional)
Step 2: Post your well wishes to your fellow classmates.
Step 3: Read the postings by others one week after you have posted your own message.
HAVE FUN! Let's see if we can built a wonderful board!